Centre for Learning Difficulties


Centre for Learning Difficulties

Many of the problems that our children face (including learning and non-learning related problems) influence how they perform in their academics. These problems may also impact how they grow up as individuals. Learning problems are not to be dreaded any more
It is essential for the parents to understand the reasons why their child is not able to perform, and help the child seek help from the right experts.

Kingston Centre for Learning Difficulties consists a team of educational therapists and remedial tutors.

The Centre caters to children facing the following problems,

•  Learning Difficulties (Dysgraphia, dyscalculia etc.)
•  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
•  Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)


Ideal for students from age group 4 to 12 years

Learning Difficulties



Oral Language

  • Confusion of similar words, difficulty using phonics, problems reading multi-syllable words
  • Slow reading rate and/or difficulty adjusting speed to the nature of the reading task
  • Difficulty with comprehension and retention of material that is read, but not with material presented orally
  • Difficulty with sentence structure, poor grammar, omitted words
  • Frequent spelling errors, inconsistent spelling, letter reversal
  • Difficulty copying from board or overhead
  • Poorly formed letters, difficulty with spacing, capitals, and punctuation
  • Difficulty expressing themselves clearly and precisely
  • Difficulty processing information presented orally, despite normal hearing
  • Difficulty attending to spoken language, inconsistent concentration
  • Difficulty expressing ideas orally although the student seems to understand the ideas
  • Problems describing events or stories in proper sequence
  • Residual problems with grammar, difficulty with inflectional or derivational ending


Study Skills

Social Skills

  • Difficulty memorizing basic facts
  • Confusion or reversal of numbers, number sequence, or operational symbols
  • Difficulty copying problems, aligning columns
  • Difficulty reading or comprehending word problems
  • Problems with reasoning and abstract concepts
  • Poor organization and time management
  • Difficulty following directions
  • Difficulty taking notes
  • Poor organization of notes and other written materials
  • Needs more time to complete assignments
  • A general lack of ability to develop strategies
  • Difficulty “reading” facial expressions, body language
  • Problems interpreting subtle messages such as sarcasm
  • Confusion in spatial orientation, getting lost easily, difficulty following direction.
  • Disorientation in time, difficulty telling time
  • Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities


• Psychometric Assessment (to identify the factors behind learning problems)
• Parental Counselling
• Educational Therapy
     -Academic Skill Enhancement
     – Remedial Therapy
     – Student Counseling
• Brain Stimulating Techniques
     – Brain Gym
     – Calm down techniques for child and adolescents